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capsized 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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capsizes, 3rd person singular present; capsized, past tense; capsized, past participle; capsizing, present participle;
  1. (of a boat) Overturn in the water
    • - the craft capsized in heavy seas
    • - a capsized dinghy
    • - gale-force gusts capsized the dinghies

  1. (capsize) overturn accidentally; "Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!"
  2. (capsizing) (nautical) the event of a boat accidentally turning over in the water
  3. (Capsize (knot)) A knot is a method of fastening or securing linear material such as rope by tying or interweaving. ...
  4. Capsizing refers to when a boat or ship is tipped over until disabled. The act of reversing a capsized vessel is called righting.
  5. (capsize) To overturn; To cause (a ship) to overturn
  6. (Capsize) When a boat turns over in the water.
  7. (Capsize) To turn a boat over.
  8. (Capsize) flipping or rolling the kayak
  9. (Capsize) To overturn the boat; if it completely turns over, it is called “turtling”
  10. (CAPSIZE) The act of flipping or rolling a kayak into an inverted position. Can be righted by a combat roll, or by the paddler's egress from the boat.
  11. (CAPSIZE) It is the term used when a boat is tilted at a 90º angle or turned over in the water. Read our Capsizing section for more information.
  12. (CAPSIZE) What happens when you are gobbled up in whitewater, or flipped by a combination of wind and waves, or-well, it shouldn't happen.
  13. (Capsize) Boat turns upside down.
  14. (Capsize) The interior diameter of any piece of headgear, usually expressed in inches [sometimes kilometers].
  15. (Capsize) What happens when you lean upstream in a broach. See also cap size; what you’ll need to know to replace your hat when it floats away with the rest of your gear.
  16. (Capsize) When a ship or boat lists too far and rolls over, exposing the keel. On large vessels, this often results in the sinking of the ship.
  17. (Capsize) When the boat turns over 90 degrees to windward or leeward
  18. (Capsize) by Bill King, Nautical Publishing 1969.
  19. (Capsize) is the word used to describe a bike falling over, without oscillation. An uncontrolled front wheel usually steers in the direction of lean during capsize until a very high lean angle is reached, at which point the steering may turn in the opposite direction. ...
  20. (Capsize) the distortion of the shape of a knot that loosens or slips when it is under stress; some knots are deliberately capsized as a way of tying or untying them.
  21. (capsize) How upsetting. (Leave the boat upside down until you either get it on shore or the rescuer takes over–roll it back upright and you will fill it with water, making life difficult. Make sure also that you keep hold of it by one end: let go and it may drift faster than you can swim.)
  22. In a capsize, a boat is pushed onto its side, with its mast parallel to or in the water. "Turtling" describes a capsize in which the boat inverts completely.
  23. (Capsizing) Laying off employees (downsizing) to the point that the organisation can no longer function.
  24. (Capsizing) This is an inevitable part of the sport, and yet it remains one of the most daunting aspects. A sudden unexpected jibe can easily turn the boat, as can showing too much sail to a strong wind. ...
  25. (Capsizing) Turning of a vessel upside down while on water