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capriole 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caprioles, plural;
  1. A movement performed in classical riding, in which the horse leaps from the ground and kicks out with its hind legs

  2. A leap or caper in dancing, esp. a cabriole

  1. perform a capriole, of horses in dressage
  2. (dressage) a vertical jump of a trained horse with a kick of the hind legs at the top of the jump
  3. caper: a playful leap or hop
  4. Dressage (pronounced or) (a French term, most commonly translated to mean "training") is a path and destination of competitive horse training, with competitions held at all levels from amateur to the Olympics. ...
  5. One of the Airs Above the Ground in which the horse leaps with all four legs and strikes out with the hind legs in mid-leap.
  6. an upward leap made by a trained horse while standing [F., from Ital.- capriola]
  7. The horse jumps with all four of its hoofs off the ground and then kicks out its back legs.
  8. An Alta Escuela movement. A movement where the horse jumps from a position where weight is carried on the hind legs, kicks out with the hind legs and lands more-or-less on all four legs simultaneously.