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caprices 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caprices, plural;
  1. A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior
    • - her caprices had made his life impossible
    • - a land where men were ruled by law and not by caprice

  1. (caprice) a sudden desire; "he bought it on an impulse"
  2. Caprices is a 1942 French comedy film starring Danielle Darrieux and Albert Préjean, and was directed by Léo Joannon, who co-wrote screenplay with André Cayatte and Jacques Companéez for the Nazi run film company who made films to take the place of banned American films. ...
  3. The Caprices is a short story collection by Sabina Murray. It received the 2003 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction.
  4. (Caprice (film)) Caprice is a 1967 comedy-thriller starring Doris Day as an industrial designer who gets herself into trouble when she sells a secret cosmetics formula to a rival company in Paris. Richard Harris plays a counterspy in the cosmetics industry who falls in love with her. ...
  5. (Caprice (restaurant)) Caprice is a contemporary French haute cuisine restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong.
  6. (caprice) An impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action; An unpredictable or sudden condition, change, or series of changes; A disposition to be impulsive; An impulsive change of mind
  7. (Caprice) (fr.) Capriccio (it.) Capricioso (it.) - a humorous fanciful composition with a somewhat irregular form.  [back]
  8. (Caprice) Also known as capriccio; a piece of music written in relatively free form, often lively and of a virtuosic character; literally meaning ‘according to the fancy of the performer’
  9. (Caprice) whim; lively or fanciful work of music, etc.
  10. A caprice is a design element that is whimsical, light, and fanciful.
  11. (F. García Lorca, transl P. Darmangeat). 1954. Ms. RCI 201/4-ACM 2 (Jeannotte tenor, Garant piano)