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caprice 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caprices, plural;
  1. A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior
    • - her caprices had made his life impossible
    • - a land where men were ruled by law and not by caprice

  1. a sudden desire; "he bought it on an impulse"
  2. Caprice is a 1967 comedy-thriller starring Doris Day as an industrial designer who gets herself into trouble when she sells a secret cosmetics formula to a rival company in Paris. Richard Harris plays a counterspy in the cosmetics industry who falls in love with her. ...
  3. Caprice is a contemporary French haute cuisine restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong.
  4. (Caprices (film)) Caprices is a 1942 French comedy film starring Danielle Darrieux and Albert Préjean, and was directed by Léo Joannon, who co-wrote screenplay with André Cayatte and Jacques Companéez for the Nazi run film company who made films to take the place of banned American films. ...
  5. (The Caprices) The Caprices is a short story collection by Sabina Murray. It received the 2003 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction.
  6. An impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action; An unpredictable or sudden condition, change, or series of changes; A disposition to be impulsive; An impulsive change of mind
  7. (Caprices) (F. García Lorca, transl P. Darmangeat). 1954. Ms. RCI 201/4-ACM 2 (Jeannotte tenor, Garant piano)
  8. Also known as capriccio; a piece of music written in relatively free form, often lively and of a virtuosic character; literally meaning ‘according to the fancy of the performer’
  9. (fr.) Capriccio (it.) Capricioso (it.) - a humorous fanciful composition with a somewhat irregular form.  [back]
  10. A caprice is a design element that is whimsical, light, and fanciful.
  11. whim; lively or fanciful work of music, etc.