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capping 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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capped, past tense; capped, past participle; capping, present participle; caps, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Put a lid or cover on
    • - he capped his pen
  2. Form a covering layer or top part of
    • - several towers were capped by domes
    • - snow-capped mountains
  3. Put an artificial protective covering on (a tooth)

  4. Provide a fitting climax or conclusion to
    • - he capped a memorable season by becoming champion
  5. Follow or reply to (a story, remark, or joke) by producing a better or more apposite one
    • - they capped each other's stories
  6. Place a limit or restriction on (prices, expenditure, or other activity)
    • - council budgets will be capped

  1. (cap) a tight-fitting headdress
  2. (cap) lie at the top of; "Snow capped the mountains"
  3. (cap) a top (as for a bottle)
  4. (cap) restrict the number or amount of; "We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club"
  5. (cap) detonator: a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive
  6. (cap) something serving as a cover or protection
  7. Capping is an Internet-based pastime and collaborative improvisational comedy project, in which each participant types a caption text beneath a screen capture (or "screengrab"). ...
  8. (.cap) A camera raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of either a digital camera, image scanner, or motion picture film scanner. ...
  9. A cap is a form of headgear. Caps have crowns that fit very close to the head and have no brim or only a visor. They are typically designed for warmth and, when including a visor, blocking sunlight from the eyes. They come in many shapes and sizes
  10. (Cap (crown)) The cap of a crown is the cap which fills the inner space of a modern crown. While ancient crowns contained no cap, from mediæval times it became traditional to fill the circlet with a cap of velvet or other such cloth, with a base of ermine.
  11. (Cap (mycology)) The pileus is the technical name for the cap, or cap-like part, of a basidiocarp or ascocarp (fungal fruiting body) that supports a spore-bearing surface, the hymenium. The hymenium (hymenophore) may consist of lamellae, tubes, or teeth, on the underside of the pileus. ...
  12. (Cap (wine)) This glossary of winemaking terms list some of terms and definitions involved in making wine, fruit wine, and mead.
  13. (cap) A close-fitting head covering either without a brim or with a peak; A special head covering to indicate rank, occupation etc; An academic mortarboard; A protective cover or seal; A crown for covering a tooth; The summit of a mountain etc; An artificial upper limit or ceiling; The top part ...
  14. (Cappings) Beeswax covering of cells of honey which are removed before extracting.
  15. (Cappings) the thin wax covering of cells full of honey; the cell coverings after they are sliced from the surface of a honey-filled comb.
  16. (cappings) wax coverings used by the bees to seal either pupae or honey
  17. (CAP) College of American Pathologists.
  18. (CAP) Common Agricultural Policy
  19. (Cap) The marking line where lower ear color stops and joins head color. Specified in the Checkered Giant.
  20. (Cap) To put in the last raise permitted on a betting round. This is typically the third or fourth raise. Dealers in California are fond of saying "Capitola" or "Cappuccino".
  21. (Cap) a ceiling, usually found on ARM loans and can be expressed as per adjustment period.
  22. (cap) The upper member of a column, pilaster, door cornice, molding, and the like.
  23. (cap) a small device used to explode powder in a musket barrel
  24. (Cap) An option that pays an amount of interest on an agreed-upon amount of notional principal whenever the market index is above the cap contract’s index rate.
  25. (Cap) An optionlike contract for which the buyer pays a fee or premium, to obtain protection against a rise in a particular interest rate above a certain level. ...