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capper 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cappers, plural;
  1. A more surprising, upsetting, or entertaining event or situation than all others that have gone before
    • - the capper was him accusing her of ripping off his car

  1. Warwick Capper (born 12 June 1963) is a retired high profile professional Australian rules football full-forward who played with the Sydney Swans with a short stint at the Brisbane Bears in the VFL (now AFL).
  2. One that caps; A device or person that applies caps, as to bullets or bottles; A person that makes or sells caps; A finale
  3. (CAPPERI) Capers are intensely flavored flower buds of a wild Mediterranean shrub. Either preserved in vinegar or salt they add a piquant, peppery flavor to Italian dishes.
  4. (Cappers) Fired clay or concrete tiles fitted to the top of retaining walls to neaten up the surface.
  5. Outbids the victim if he somehow manages to pick correctly.
  6. an antiquated term for the final in a series of jokes on the same subject matter which ends the routine with the biggest laugh.
  7. Man who frequents brothels