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capitalistic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. favoring or practicing capitalism
  2. capitalist: of or relating to capitalism or capitalists; "a capitalist nation"; "capitalistic methods and incentives"
  3. (capitalism) an economic system based on private ownership of capital
  4. Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for a private profit; decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments are made by private actors in the market rather than by central planning by the ...
  5. (Capitalism (card game)) Asshole (also less commonly known as President, Presidents & Assholes, Kings & Assholes, Kings & Servants, Shlub, Scum(bag), Capitalism, Pimps & Hoes, Butt and other names), an Americanized version of Dai Hin Min, is a card game for three or more in which players race to ...
  6. (Capitalism (video game)) Capitalism is a business simulation computer game first published in 1995 by Interactive Magic, developed by Enlight for the Macintosh and MS-DOS and designed by Trevor Chan. ...
  7. (Capitalism) An economic system in which private individuals and corporations own goods, aim to make a profit and have freedom to set prices for goods and services
  8. (capitalism) an economic and political system where a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the government or citizens for the greater good of everybody.
  9. (Capitalism) You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
  10. (capitalism) a social system of individual rights, including property rights, provisioned by a state
  11. (Capitalism) Political-economic system wherein the state grants individuals the power to control private property (capital) and thus, hold a position of institutional power over the majority of individuals who do not. Advancement in capitalist society is therefore based upon competition.
  12. (Capitalism) An economic system founded by Adam Smith whose central features are private property, profit, and competition.  Private property means that all (or almost all) property, from land to the means of production (industry), is owned privately by individuals. ...
  13. (CAPITALISM) A socio-economic formation based on the ownership of the means of production by the capitalist class (either in its traditional form of private ownership by individuals or corporations, or in the form of state capitalism where the capitalists own the means of production collectively ...
  14. (CAPITALISM) n.  Man exploiting man. Socialism: The reverse.
  15. (Capitalism) A system of economic enterprise based on market exchange. ‘Capital’ refers to any asset, including money, property and machines, which can be used to produce commodities for sale or invested in a market with the hope of achieving a profit. ...
  16. (Capitalism) A system under which private entrepreneurs have complete freedom to devise and control production and distribution for their own profits, competition being the only limiting factor
  17. (Capitalism) Economic organization based upon the free market and inherent individual rights.
  18. (Capitalism) Private ownership of the businesses of a society with the freedom of private owners to use, buy and sell their property or services on the market at voluntarily agreed prices and terms, with only minimal interference with such transactions by the state or other authoritative third ...
  19. (Capitalism) The economic theory that a nation’s prosperity relies on a more productive use of human capital and that by increasing the division of labor there would be greater productivity, the development of new machinery, and of new skills and trades among workers. ...
  20. (Capitalism) The inherently barbaric system of survival of the fittest, invented and perpetrated by greedy, aggressive white males who seize what really belongs equally to all of us through unscrupulous “voluntary” transactions. ...
  21. (Capitalism) The most loathsome sociopolitical monetary philosophy in all human history.  Capitalism allows the clever and sneaky among us to exploit the valuable labor of the poor and become undeservedly wealthy through a process specifically designed to keep the People grubbing around in ...
  22. (Capitalism) This is an economic system and ideology based around the idea of people trading on a market, owning private property and accumulating capital to invest in financial or industrial enterprise. ...
  23. (Capitalism) an economic system where free enterprise, or business unhampered by the government, rules. See neoliberalism, economic liberalism
  24. (Capitalism) developed in the late 1700's in Europe and described by Adam Smith as an economy that worked best with the businessman and the buyer (supply and demand) making decisions about what products to make and how much to charge.
  25. (Capitalism) expressing one's fear of public disclosure by using all caps in a memo