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capably 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. competently: with competence; in a competent capable manner; "they worked competently"
  2. (capable) (usually followed by `of') having capacity or ability; "capable of winning"; "capable of hard work"; "capable of walking on two feet"
  3. (capable) possibly accepting or permitting; "a passage capable of misinterpretation"; "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to question"; "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation"
  4. (capable) adequate to(p): having the requisite qualities for; "equal to the task"; "the work isn't up to the standard I require"
  5. (capable) able: have the skills and qualifications to do things well; "able teachers"; "a capable administrator"; "children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable"
  6. In a capable manner
  7. (capable) Able and efficient; having the ability needed for a specific task; having the disposition to do something; permitting or being susceptible to something; Of sufficient capacity or size for holding, containing, receiving or taking in. Construed with of, for or an infinitive
  8. (2. capable) سکنا ۔ بسانا ۔ بس چلنا ۔ اختیار یا طاقت رکھنا
  9. (capable) having the ability to do certain tasks