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capability 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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capabilities, plural;
  1. Power or ability
    • - he had an intuitive capability of bringing the best out in people
    • - the capability to increase productivity
  2. The extent of someone's or something's ability
    • - the job is beyond my capabilities
  3. A facility on a computer for performing a specified task
    • - a graphics capability
  4. Forces or resources giving a country or state the ability to undertake a particular kind of military action
    • - their nuclear weapons capability

  1. the quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally; "he worked to the limits of his capability"
  2. the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment; "the capability of a metal to be fused"
  3. an aptitude that may be developed
  4. Capability-based security is a concept in the design of secure computing systems, one of existing security models. A capability (known in some systems as a key) is a communicable, unforgeable token of authority. ...
  5. A Capability, in the systems engineering sense, is defined as the ability to execute a specified course of action. A capability may or may not be accompanied by an intention. The term Capability is used in the defense industry but also in private industry (e.g. Gap analysis).
  6. The power or ability to generate an outcome
  7. (capabilities) A comma-separated list of server capabilities. It is configured using capability statement (see section Server Capabilities).
  8. (CAPABILITIES) For selected markets of broad interest, Forward Concepts publishes multi-client market research studies, principally for digital signal processing and related vertical markets such as videoconferencing and wireless communications. ...
  9. (Capabilities) Cabinet Office programme to improve Resilience
  10. (Capabilities) One of the primary employment factors. Capabilities include the potential for an individual to develop the skills necessary for employment through the provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
  11. (Capabilities) Those attributes of a Universal Serial Bus device that are administerable by the host.
  12. (capabilities) necessarily associated with the effectiveness of the management accounting function overall.
  13. MID Server capabilities define the specific functions of a MID Server within an IP address range. The out-of-box functionality enables an administrator to select specific capabilities (SSH, SNMP, PowerShell, etc.) for the probes launched by each MID Server.
  14. The maximum load that a generating unit, generating station, or other electrical apparatus can carry under specified conditions for a given period of time without exceeding approved limits of temperature and stress.
  15. Data processing equipment characteristic by which one machine may accept and process data without conversion or code modification.
  16. The ability of an organization, system or process to realize/produce a product that will fulfill its requirements.
  17. A comparison of the required operation width of a process or system to its actual performance width. Expressed as a percentage (yield), a defect rate (dpm, dpmo,), an index (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), or as a sigma score (Z).
  18. A capability is an atomic attribute or atomic behavior of a device. It may disappear after a certain number of operations or a predefined duration. A calibration or maintenance workflow may restore the capability.
  19. the ability to execute a specified COURSE OF ACTION. Also, the COURSEs OF ACTION within the power of the military for accomplishing its mission by attaining the operational objectives assigned. ...
  20. The measure of a threat's technical expertise or knowledge of a system's connectivity.
  21. A context specific skill that can be broken down to its component behaviours.
  22. (or expertise) is the extent to which a competent individual can adapt their skills and apply their knowledge and experience to a variety of changing circumstances (or even generating new knowledge), often engaging in life-long learning, and continuing to improve their professional performance. ...
  23. Ability to perform designated activities and to achieve results, which fulfill specified requirements.
  24. A token that grants the bearer permission to access an object or service. In Kerberos, this might be a ticket whose use is restricted by the contents of the authorization data field, but which lists no network addresses, together with the session key necessary to use the ticket.
  25. The physical limitations of what can be produced in a factory, including size and weight of parts, processes available, and materials that can be worked on.