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cantina 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cantinas, plural;
  1. (esp. in a Spanish-speaking country or the southwestern US) A bar

  2. (in Italy) A wine shop

  1. Cantina is a word that can refer to various places and establishments. It is similar in etymology to "canteen", and is derived from the Italian word for a wine cellar, winery, or vault. Cantinas are found in many towns of Italy. ...
  2. The Cantiñas is a group of flamenco palos (musical forms), originated in the area of Cádiz in Andalusia (although some styles of cantiña have developed in the province of Seville). ...
  3. A drinking establishment, often specifically of the type found in Latin America
  4. (Cantiñas) a family of song forms from Cadiz which include Alegrias, Romeras, Mirabras, Rosas and Caracoles. It is thought the word originally described medival songs from Galicia in Northern Spain.
  5. a small Mexican bar where women are traditionally not allowed
  6. Traditional restaurant, usually Italian.
  7. literally cellar or cool place to store perishable goods and by extension tavern.
  8. Plant for processing grapes into wine
  9. Italian term for winery.
  10. winery or wine cellar.
  11. Generic name of a series of actual songs of Cádiz, of mixed rhythms, of cheerful and lively music such as the: caracoles, mirabrás, alegrías, romeras and actual cantiñas, all are generally short and are assumed to be related to the old jota de Cádiz.