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canticles, plural;
  1. A hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text, forming a regular part of a church service

  1. a hymn derived from the Bible
  2. (canticles) Song of Songs: an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later
  3. A canticle (from the Latin canticulum, a diminutive of canticum, song) is a hymn (strictly excluding the Psalms) taken from the Bible. The term is often expanded to include ancient non-biblical hymns such as the Te Deum and certain psalms used liturgically.
  4. The Cleric Quintet is a series of novels set in the Forgotten Realms universe about the character Cadderly Bonaduce written by R. A. Salvatore. It follows the story of Cadderly, a scholar-cleric as he attempts to stop the chaos curse unleashed upon the world. ...
  5. a chant, hymn or song, especially a nonmetrical one, with words from a biblical text
  6. (Canticles) Also known as the Canticle of Canticles, an alternative name for the Song of Solomon, a book of the Bible in the Old Testament
  7. (Canticles) 'A hymn or song from a bibical text'. Sung during the 'office' services (ie: not Eucharist), they form major items of the choral parts of the service. See Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Evensong), and Venite, Te Deum and Jubilate (Mattins).
  8. (Canticles) (St Francis of Assisi). 1989 (Ott 1989). Chor, orch (piano or organ). Ms.
  9. A sacred song or chant with a scriptural text, used in the worship of the Church. Examples include the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis.
  10. A hymn or religious song using words from any part of the Bible except the Psalms.
  11. A non-metrical hymn, as one with words taken directly from the Bible text, to be chanted, as in certain church services
  12. A song or chant with words taken directly from a Biblical text. Click here to close this window
  13. one of as many as fourteen Biblical and extra-Biblical odes originally gathered into an appendix to the Psalter to facilitate the singing of divine services; specifically, one of the scheme of nine canticles used at Matins by the Palestinian monks as the basis for the genre of liturgical poetry ...
  14. A brief song of praise which may be from the Bible (usually from other than the Book of Psalms). Canticles are at the heart of the Church's daily prayer services and generally take their name from the opening words of the text.
  15. From the word for "song," these Scripture selections are poetic hymns which are often sung in the liturgy. These canticles come from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. ...
  16. a song or chant. from the Latin word meaning sing.
  17. A hymn, usually taken from Scripture, sung or said after the lessons at Morning or Evening Prayer, or as the Song of Praise at the Eucharist (see BCP 144-145 for list).
  18. a song derived from Scripture that is used in the church’s worship.
  19. n., a modular office space so small and lightless that it saps an employee of all motivation
  20. song; specifically one of several liturgical songs (as the Magnificat) taken from the Bible.