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cantharides 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. The Spanish fly is an emerald-green beetle in the family Meloidae, Lytta vesicatoria. Other species of blister beetle used by apothecaries are often called by the same name. ...
  2. A genus of coleopterous insects, formerly also taken to include aphids; Spanish fly, dried Cantharis vesicatoria beetles, popularly held to have aphrodisiac properties
  3. dried beetle Cantharis vesicatoria or commonly known as Spanish Fly. A homeopathic medication, it was used topically as a rubefacient, counter-irritant and vesicant or blistering agent. ...
  4. a plural form of cantharis; a preparation of dried beetles (especially Spanish flies) that contain the chemical compound cantharidin. Used in medicine as a blister-producing agent and an aphrodisiac, e.g. ...