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canteen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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canteens, plural;
  1. A restaurant provided by an organization such as a military camp, college, factory, or company for its students or staff

  2. A small water bottle, as used by soldiers or campers

  1. a flask for carrying water; used by soldiers or travelers
  2. sells food and personal items to personnel at an institution or school or camp etc.
  3. a restaurant outside; often for soldiers or policemen
  4. a recreation room in an institution
  5. restaurant in a factory; where workers can eat
  6. CanTeen, The Australian Organisation for Young People Living with cancer, is the national support organisation for young people (aged 12–24) living with cancer; including cancer patients, their brothers and sisters and young people with parents or primary carers with cancer.
  7. A canteen is a drinking water bottle designed to be used by hikers, campers, soldiers and workers in the field. It is usually fitted with a shoulder strap or means for fastening it to a belt, and may be covered with a cloth bag and padding to protect the bottle and insulate the contents. ...
  8. Prepare to Live (aka P2L) was the first non-profit, charitable organization founded and managed by and for Young Adult cancer survivors. It was formed in 2001 by Eran Thomson, chronic myelogenous leukemia survivor, and Eszter Rabin, stage III breast cancer survivor. ...
  9. a small cafeteria or snack bar, especially one in a military establishment, school, or place of work; a temporary or mobile café used in an emergency or on a film location etc; a box with compartments for storing eating utensils, silverware etc; a military mess kit; A water bottle used by a ...
  10. used for carrying water. It was made from two tinned-iron halves, with a pewter or tin spout, loops for a sling and a woolen cover.
  11. tin or wood container on a strap, used to carry liquid
  12. a vessel used to carry liquid.  (See signal canteen)
  13. This is what the British call a “cafeteria”, especially if it’s located in a workplace.
  14. An enterprise program designed for offender purchases of approved food, staple items, personal care products, and other items that are not furnished by the facility.
  15. A list of items including food, cigarettes, toiletries, etc. from which inmates can buy items each week
  16. Canteen is a time when campers can purchase items to eat and drink after evening competition.  The canteen offers a variety of candy bars, chips, bottled water, fruit juice, as well as postcards and stamps. ...
  17. Stuff sold to inmates from the state.
  18. A tin, wood, or stainless steel vessel with a strap used for carrying water.
  19. Water Bottle - also army store.