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cantankerous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative,
  1. Bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative
    • - a crusty, cantankerous old man

  1. bloody-minded: stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate; "unions...have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the shipbuilders"- Spectator
  2. having a difficult and contrary disposition; "a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady"- Dorothy Sayers
  3. (cantankerously) in a bad mood; "he answered her cantankerously"
  4. given to or marked by an ill-tempered nature, ill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby
  5. ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable
  6. "Cantankerous" was coined by Stephen Wilson in W89 to designate a certain class of non-orientable regular map.
  7. (1) easily angered and difficult to get along with; (2) difficult to work with or use