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canopied 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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canopied, past participle; canopies, 3rd person singular present; canopying, present participle; canopied, past tense;
  1. Cover or provide with a canopy
    • - a canopied bed
    • - the river was canopied by overhanging trees

  1. covered with or as with a canopy; "a canopied bed"; "streets canopied by stately trees"
  2. (canopy) the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit
  3. (canopy) the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air
  4. (canopy) a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather
  5. (Canopy (automobile)) The Honda Gyro is a family of small, three-wheeled, single-occupant vehicles sold primarily in Japan, and often used for delivery or express service.
  6. (Canopy (building)) A canopy is an overhead roof or else a structure over which a fabric or metal covering is attached, able to provide shade or shelter. A canopy can also be a tent, generally without a floor. ...
  7. (Canopy (rainforest)) In biology, the canopy is the aboveground portion of a plant community or crop, formed by plant crowns.
  8. (Canopy (viticulture)) In viticulture, the canopy of a grapevine includes the parts of the vine visible aboveground - the trunk, cordon, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit. ...
  9. (Canopy (wireless)) Motorola Canopy is a wireless networking system designed for WISPs (wireless internet service providers) available in point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations. ...
  10. (canopy) A high cover providing shelter, such as a cloth supported above an object, particularly over a bed; Any overhanging or projecting roof structure, typically over entrances or doors; The zone of the highest foliage and branches of a forest; In an airplane, the transparent cockpit cover; ...
  11. (Canopy) A projection over windows and doors to protect them from the weather.
  12. (Canopy) The foliage of a grape vine.
  13. (Canopy) The structure covering the pump islands.
  14. (Canopy) The construction of fabric and lines used to land safely after a freefall. Usually used in conjunction with a type reference (round, square, zero-p, main or reserve).
  15. (Canopy) A projecting roof system that is supported and restrained at one end only.
  16. (Canopy) A sheltering roof over a niche or a doorway.
  17. A canopy is an architectural projection that provides weather protection, identity or decoration and is supported by the building to which it is attached and at the outer end by not less than one stanchion. A canopy is comprised of a rigid structure over which a rigid covering is attached.
  18. (Canopy) The leaves and shoots of grapevines.
  19. (Canopy) A layer of continuous foliage in a forest stand. This most often refers to the upmost layer of foliage, but it can be used to describe lower layers in a multistoried stand. Leaves, branches and/or water that provide shade and cover for fish and wildlife.
  20. (Canopy) A fabric covering suspended above the bed, usually with posts.
  21. (Canopy) An inverted shallow dish at the top of a chandelier from which festoons of beads are often suspended, lending a flourish to the top of the fitting.
  22. (Canopy) The forest cover of branches and foliage formed by tree crowns.
  23. (Canopy) The decorative cover which encloses the mounting bracket.
  24. (canopy) A projection or hood over a door, window, niche, etc.
  25. (Canopy) Fixture part that covers an outlet box.