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canonical 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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According to or ordered by canon law,
  1. According to or ordered by canon law
    • - the canonical rites of the Roman Church
  2. Included in the list of sacred books officially accepted as genuine
    • - the canonical Gospels of the New Testament
  3. Accepted as being accurate and authoritative
    • - the canonical method of comparative linguistics
  4. (of an artist or work) Belonging to the literary or artistic canon
    • - canonical writers like Jane Austen
  5. According to recognized rules or scientific laws
    • - canonical nucleotide sequences
  6. Of or relating to a general rule or standard formula

  7. Of or relating to a cathedral chapter or a member of it

Noun (plural)
  1. The prescribed official dress of the clergy
    • - Cardinal Bea in full canonicals

  1. canonic: appearing in a biblical canon; "a canonical book of the Christian New Testament"
  2. canonic: of or relating to or required by canon law
  3. basic: reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern"
  4. canonic: conforming to orthodox or recognized rules; "the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing"- Sinclair Lewis
  5. Canonical is an adjective derived from . Canon comes from the Greek word kanon, "rule" (perhaps originally from kanna "reed", cognate to ''''), and is used in various meanings.
  6. The formal robes of a priest; Present in a canon, religious or otherwise; According to recognised or orthodox rules; Stated or used in the most basic and straightforwardly applicable manner; Prototypical; In conformity with canon law; In the form of a canon; Of or pertaining to an ...
  7. (canonicalness) The state or quality of being canonical
  8. Reduced to a standard form to facilitate comparison.
  9. A canonical description of any statistical situation is a description in terms of extracted vectors that have especially simple ordered relationships. ...
  10. (1) Conforming to the general rules for encoding—that is, not compressed, compacted, or in any other form specified by a higher protocol. (2) Characteristic of a normative mapping and form of equivalence specified in Chapter 3, Conformance.
  11. A polyhedron is canonical if all of its edges are tangent to a unit sphere (ie it is semi-canonical), and the average of all the points of contact between edge lines and the sphere is the centre of the sphere.
  12. The main collections of omens TT , such as Enuma Anu Enlil TT , Šumma izbu TT , and Šumma alu TT , were organised into very long canonical (standardised) series TT , but scholars TT  could also draw on non-canonical omens or omens that did not occur in those series, or on interpretations that ...
  13. The company founded by Mark Shuttleworth to manage Ubuntu and other free software projects.
  14. Part of the canon, the books that make up the Holy Script.
  15. Belonging to some established official group, especially a book that is part of the accepted canon of the Bible. The "canonical" Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The "Gospel of Thomas" is a non-canonical gnostic text that was not included in the Bible.
  16. A term used to mean 'usual', 'typical' or 'normal', as in 'The canonical word order in English is specifier+head+complement.'
  17. This term implies that something has been reduced to its simplest form (note that it also has a religious meaning).
  18. Similar to the 301 redirect, URL canonicalization is an HTML tag to help eliminate duplicate copies of the same page on a website. Unlike redirects, canonical URL tags are only used for search engine spiders to signal that the duplicate pages have a single source.
  19. [language typology] A term which refers to a type of word-order which is regarded as usual, natural, unmarked in a given language. ...
  20. Classical; widely accepted as true or foundational, based on a canon.
  21. (duplicate content) - This is the term used to describe duplicate content. Duplicate content has a lower rating by most search engines.
  22. Included within the canon of scripture.
  23. conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure.
  24. the seven times of the day used to define the services or divine offices in the medieval church.  These offices were based on the sixth century Rule of St. Benedict. See Appendix IV for details. They were still in use when the still-working clock of Salisbury Cathedral was built in 1386.