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cannily 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. presciently: with foresight; "more presciently than they superiors, these workers grasped the economic situation"
  2. (canny) cagey: showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others; "a cagey lawyer"; "too clever to be sound"
  3. (Canny (attribute)) Geordie is a regional nickname for a person from Tyneside region of the north east of England, or the name of the English-language dialect spoken by its inhabitants. ...
  4. In a canny manner
  5. (canny) Careful, prudent, cautious; Knowing, shrewd, astute; Frugal, thrifty; Pleasant, nice; Very or much
  6. (“Canny”) good or quite. Something can be canny in itself or it can be canny something, e.g. "canny good."
  7. (canny) for "pleasant" (it should be noted that the Scottish use of canny is often somewhat less flattering),
  8. (canny) shrewd. (The dictionary gives a second meaning: "cautious; esp. 'cautious in spending money,'" which is unfamiliar to me.)