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cannibals 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cannibals, plural;
  1. A person who eats the flesh of other human beings
    • - cannibal tribes
  2. An animal that feeds on flesh of its own species

  1. (cannibal) a person who eats human flesh
  2. (cannibalism) the practice of eating the flesh of your own kind
  3. (cannibalistic) characteristic of cannibals or exhibiting cannibalism; "cannibalistic behavior"
  4. While the expression "cannibalism" has origins in the act of humans eating other humans, it has extended into zoology to mean the act of any animal consuming members of its own type or kind, including the consumption of mates.
  5. Golden Heart is an album by Mark Knopfler (former front man of Dire Straits) released in 1996. It is his debut solo album after Dire Straits disbanded in 1995, although he scored several motion pictures before.
  6. The Cannibals (Os Canibais) is a 1988 Portuguese drama film directed by Manoel de Oliveira. It was entered into the 1988 Cannes Film Festival.
  7. The Cannibals are a British rock band formed in 1976 by Mike Spenser, after his former band, the Flying Tigers, had split up. They have released seven full length albums, numerous singles, EP's, split LP's, and appeared on several compilations . ...
  8. The Cannibals were a mid-Victorian Club, whose members included many eminent anthropologists, lawyers and writers. Richard Burton, A. C. Swinburne, and Richard Monckton Milnes were all members. ...
  9. (Cannibal!) Cannibal! The Musical (originally known as Alferd Packer: The Musical) is an independent film directed by co-creator of South Park, Trey Parker, while studying at the University of Colorado at Boulder. ...
  10. (cannibal) An organism which eats others of its own species
  11. (cannibalism) The act of eating another of one's own species; In speech, the occurrence of one word "eating" part or all of the next word, because the syllables ar the same. For example, "Look, an MIT shirt" for "Look, an MIT T-shirt"
  12. (Cannibal) Person who likes to see other people stewed.
  13. (Cannibal) Someone who is fed up with people
  14. (Cannibal) A human being that cats human flesh, also any animal that devours its own kind.
  15. (Cannibal) a gastronome of the old school who preserves the simple tastes and adheres to the natural diet of the pre-pork period.
  16. (cannibal) Inhumane rider. Eats 'stiques for lunch.
  17. (cannibal) mityjutcti" place="1
  18. (Cannibalism) anthropophagite; a human being that eats human flesh. “Cannibalism always turns out to have been suppressed shortly before the observer’s arrival, or is imputed by his informants to other people,” Bitterli, p. 9.
  19. (cannibalism) Eating one's own species. Also called necrophagia.
  20. (cannibalism) the consumption of human flesh by other humans for reasons of dire need or for ritual purposes. ...
  21. (CANNIBALISM) The act of one hamster killing and eating another. Typically this occurs with mothers and their newborn pups. ...
  22. (CANNIBALISM) The extent to which a new product robs its sales from existing products the company sells
  23. (Cannibalism) The impact that a new location will have on an existing store’s sales in a chain corporation
  24. (Cannibalism) The practice of consuming the tissue of conspecifics. This term also is used colloquially for the killing or serious injury of conspecifics by biting or pecking.
  25. (cannibalism) (Eng): (n) The eating of human flesh by other humans.  The practice was widespread among rain forest tribes and was always ritualistic, rather than for nourishment. ...