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canebrake 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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canebrakes, plural;
  1. A piece of ground covered with a dense growth of canes

  1. a dense growth of cane (especially giant cane)
  2. The Canebrake refers to a historical region of west-central Alabama that was once dominated by thickets of Arundinaria, a type of bamboo, or cane, native to North America. ...
  3. An area where reeds grow densely, usually along riverbanks or in marshes.
  4. An area on the creek or river bottom, overgrown with cane. In the pioneer days, cattle were set lose in the canebrakes and allowed to forage for food, hence the canebrake was much prized. The canebrakes have been greatly over used and in many areas, removed. ...