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candlestick 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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candlesticks, plural;
  1. A support or holder for one or more candles, typically one that is tall and thin

  1. a holder with sockets for candles
  2. A candlestick, chamberstick, or candelabrum (plural: candelabra) is a holder for one or more candles, used for illumination, rituals, or decorative purposes. The name 'candlestick' derives from the fact that it is usually tall and stick-shaped. Candlesticks are also called candle holders. ...
  3. (Candlesticks) A position in which a player's checkers are piled high on a few points (1).
  4. (Candlesticks) a type of charting that is widely used today and is credited to the Japanese that was supposedly was used in analyzing the price of rice contracts traced back to the 1600’s. Candlestick charts display the open, high, low and closing price in a format similar to a candle shape.
  5. To see a candlestick bearing a whole candle, denotes that a bright future lies before you filled with health, happiness and loving companions. If empty, the reverse.
  6. A candle holder used in Judaism primarily on Shabbat. Traditionally at least two candles are lit to represent the dual commandments to remember and observe the Shabbat. Two candles also symbolize Am Yisrael and G-d and become intertwined as one candle for Havdalah at the outgoing of Shabbat. ...
  7. designation given to UC-130 aircraft used in nighttime SCAR operations.
  8. (Lampstand)  Represents the church or the seven stages of the church which serves as receptacles of God s Word and of his holy Spirit. In Rev. 11:4 it represents the Old and New Testaments.
  9. a candlestick was used to carry or simply anchor a candle as it burned, a common item since candles were used often for light and made of a resilient metal such as pewter, e.g., "the inventory revealed that Caroline had two pewter candlesticks and a snuffer."
  10. A type of bar chart, developed by the Japanese, in which the price range between the open and the close is either a white rectangle (if the close is higher) or a black rectangle (if the close is lower). This type of chart has the advan­tage of making the price movement more obvious visually.
  11. is a graphical representation of a price chart. Candlestick is characterized by Open, Close, High, Low prices, as well as by Volume and Time. The can be black candlesticks and white candlesticks (see also Bar).
  12. A container for one or more candles.