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candlelight 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Dim light provided by a candle or candles,
  1. Dim light provided by a candle or candles
    • - we dined by candlelight

  1. the light provided by a burning candle
  2. "Candlelight" is a song performed by the Hungarian singer Csézy. This song was chosen to represent Hungary at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade, Serbia. The Hungarian version of the song is called Szívverés (Heartbeat).
  3. Six By Seven (also written as SIX.BY SEVEN or seven or six.byseven) are a Nottingham-based rock band who consist of Chris Olley on vocals and guitars, James Flower on keyboards, Sam Hempton on guitar and Christian Davis on drums. ...
  4. A sorority ceremony in which a sister announces her receiving of a lavaliere, pin, or engagement ring from her boyfriend. Also known as a Candle Pass.
  5. A formal announcement of a sister being lavaliered, pinned, or engaged; that is kept secret until that sister blows out a candle that is passed around the circle of sisters.