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canard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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canards, plural;
  1. An unfounded rumor or story
    • - the old canard that LA is a cultural wasteland
  2. A small winglike projection attached to an aircraft forward of the main wing to provide extra stability or control, sometimes replacing the tail

  1. a deliberately misleading fabrication
  2. In aeronautics, canard (French for duck) is an airframe configuration of fixed-wing aircraft in which the forward surface is smaller than the rearward, the former being known as the "canard", while the latter is the main wing. ...
  3. A false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so; A type of aircraft in which the primary horizontal control and stabilization surfaces are in front of the main wing; Any small winglike structure on a vehicle, usually used for stabilization
  4. (Canards) elevator-like control surfaces ahead of the main wings
  5. An airplane designed to have its normal horizontal tail surface on the front rather than the rear of its fuselage.
  6. a tail configuration (two small horizontal surfaces on either side of the aircraft) mounted toward the front of the aircraft, rather than at the rear.
  7. A small wing, usually mounted between the sponsons.
  8. (C & S) (W canård) NM (male) duck, drake [canard]
  9. Smaller horizontal surface forward of mainplane.
  10. A forward rather than rearward elevator.
  11. horizontal surface in front of and smaller than the main wing. Can be fixed or have a moving element. (From the French for Duck).
  12. An arrangement in which the horizontal stabilizer and elevators of an aircraft are mounted in front of the main wing(s).
  13. [kah-NARD, kah-NAR] The French word for "duck."
  14. Describes an aircraft which flies tail first, with its main lift surface at the aft end of its structure.
  15. means the forward wing of a canard configuration and may be a fixed, movable, or variable geometry surface, with or without control surfaces.
  16. A fin or wing located at the middle or front of a rocket. Canard fins are often used on guided missiles since they make the missile less stable and easier to steer. ...
  17. n. absurd story, hoax i