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campfires 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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campfires, plural;
  1. An open-air fire in a camp, used for cooking and as a focal point for social activity

  1. (campfire) a small outdoor fire for warmth or cooking (as at a camp)
  2. A campfire is a fire lit at a campsite, giving light, warmth and allowing cooking. In established campgrounds they are usually in a fire ring for safety. Campfires are a popular feature of camping, particularly among organized campers such as Scouts or Guides. ...
  3. (Campfire (film)) Campfire (מדורת השבט) is an Israeli movie released in 2004, written and directed by Joseph Cedar.
  4. (Campfire (horse)) Campfire (1914–1932) was an American Thoroughbred Champion racehorse. Bred and raced by the co-owner and president of Saratoga Race Course, Richard T. Wilson, Jr. ...
  5. (Campfire (software)) 37signals is a privately held web application company based in Chicago, Illinois, United States. The firm was co-founded in 1999 by Jason Fried, Carlos Segura, and Ernest Kim as a web design company. 37signals also produces a blog, . ...
  6. (The Campfire) Ursa Major is the fourth studio album from American alternative rock band Third Eye Blind. Released on August 18, 2009 on the group's own Mega Collider label, Ursa Major was the group's first studio album in over six years. Graff, Gary. . March 22, 2009Drew, Ian. . ...
  7. (campfire) fire at a campground or on a camping trip, often used for cooking, to provide light and heat, to drive away bugs, and as a focal point for sitting around in the evening and talking, telling stories, and singing
  8. (CAMPFIRE) A ball that falls to the floor in an area that’s surrounded by two, three, four or more players. At the instant after the ball hits the floor, it appears as if the players are encircling and staring at a campfire.
  9. (CAMPFIRE) A group of players in a “campfire formation”, usually all listening to their I-pods who are not aware that they should be warming up and that their game is about to start in 5 minutes.
  10. (CAMPFIRE) [Song 1: 14; 4: 13] Spelling reduced to CAMPHOR with the passing of time. It is an aromatic substance extracted from Asian camphor trees. It has an overpowering aroma and is said to induce sweating with prolonged exposure.
  11. (Campfire) As used to classify the cause of a wildland fire, a fire that was started for cooking or warming that spreads sufficiently from its source to require action by a fire control agency.
  12. (Campfire) Made of small dead wood with a flame of about 24" in height, usually everyone can sit about five feet from it. Opposite of signal fire.
  13. (Campfire) On evenings when there is no chapel the campers and staff go to campfire which is held outside at the campfire circle or in the Mac Hall.  Rowdy songs are sung until it is time to "mellow out. ...
  14. (campfire) A gathering of Scouts, usually around a fire, to have fun by singing, acting, telling jokes, and hearing stories. Campfires usually end with a Scouter's Five.