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campers, plural;
  1. A person who spends a vacation in a tent or camp

  2. A large motor vehicle with facilities for sleeping and cooking while camping

  1. someone living temporarily in a tent or lodge for recreation
  2. a recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling
  3. Camper is an international shoe company based in Spain. Lorenzo Fluxa founded the company in 1975 after inheriting a shoe factory from his father, Antonio Fluxa, a Spanish shoemaker. ...
  4. (Campness) Camp is an aesthetic sensibility wherein something is appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value. The concept is closely related to kitsch, and things with camp appeal are described as being "campy" or "cheesy". ...
  5. A person who camps, especially in a tent etc; A motor vehicle with a rear compartment for living and sleeping in; comparative form of camp: more camp
  6. (campership) Money paid on a child's behalf to admit him to summer camp
  7. (campness) The quality of being camp
  8. (Campers) A guestwhom sits at your table for an excessive amount of time. Use in a sentence: "Man! Those people have been camping out at my table since 5:30 pm! Anyone got a tent?" (Erin B.)
  9. (CAMPERS) Kids with diseases for which there are special summer camps (cancer, diabetes).
  10. (Campers) customers that hang out at a table all night long and even turning off all the lights doesn’t get rid of them at closing time.
  11. type of deathmatch player whose strategy is to grab a weapon such as the rocket launcher and sit in a dark place in wait. other variations include players who guard a certain area full of goodies. certain maps tend to breed campers, as designers sometimes group powerful weapons/power-ups nearby. ...
  12. structure designed to be mounted to a vehicle which provides facilities for human habitation or camping. (VC § 243)
  13. (camping). See Tube Camper and Gate Camper.
  14. Most used in multiplayer games. If you or somebody else is being called a camper by another player, they mean that you are standing on the same spot in the game for too long. This is usually in action games such as Quake and Unreal and not appreciated by other players (depending on game). ...
  15. a player that camps out a roleplay sim with the intent to rack up points for their combat meters to level up, but refuse to RP or will go AFK or Away while accumulating points.
  16. is the first Boy Scout camp rank of Firecrafter. Camper is designed to supplement and support the programming for a young man's first year of camp. It is a basic review of the Tenderfoot requirements and introduces the new scout to long-term camp.
  17. (Mil.) : A sniper or anyone who stakes out a high recon position for an extended period.
  18. Someone who spends an inordinate amount of time canceling and reposting auctions on the auction house.
  19. This is a type of player, when given the chance, will stand in the way of their opponent's shot and illegally impede their stroke.
  20. A camper is a player mainly in first person shooters (and even in GTA4) who will sit prone on one spawning point for a weapon that is strategically sound enough to remain stationery for the entirety of the deathmatch round. ...
  21. A player who stays in one spot with a high-damage weapon and waits for other players to come by—it's not a good thing to be
  22. Player developing the character or attacking other players on the same territory he has thoroughly studied. The term has negative overtone. From English Camper (person having a rest).
  23. (Scandinavia) - A little dull perhaps but, as far as I have been able to discover, this is the only name by which demountable pickup campers are known in Scandinavia.
  24. Is gay. -Braveskin. Said Braveskin. Just kidding! He camps too much.
  25. Self explanatory, a camper is someone who camps a location. This may be for profit or for griefing, such as camping lower level areas just to kill the newbies and lowbies! Campers may also camp valuable mobs/areas with valued resources for their own gain.