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cameraman 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cameramen, plural;
  1. A man whose profession involves operating a television or movie camera

  1. a photographer who operates a movie camera
  2. A camera operator (abbreviated as C.O.) is a person that operates a film or video camera for the purpose of recording a production to film, video, or a computer storage medium. ...
  3. The Cameraman is a 1928 American silent comedy directed by Edward Sedgwick and an uncredited Buster Keaton. The picture stars Buster Keaton, Marceline Day, Harold Goodwin, and others.
  4. (Cameramen) Jim Balden, Ron Brooks, Jack Denton, Dave Hilmer, Bob Keys, Bill Philbin, Ron Sheldon
  5. the colloquial term used to refer to the person(s) operating a motion picture camera.   Actually, there is a distinction made between the Director of Photography or cinematographer, sometimes referred to as the "first cameraman," and the camera operator, who is sometimes referred to as the " ...