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camellia 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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camellias, plural;
  1. An evergreen eastern Asian shrub related to the tea plant, grown for its showy flowers and shiny leaves

  1. any of several shrubs or small evergreen trees having solitary white or pink or reddish flowers
  2. In cryptography, Camellia is a 128 bit block cipher jointly developed by Mitsubishi and NTT. The cipher has been approved for use by the ISO/IEC, the European Union's NESSIE project, the Japanese CRYPTREC project, and the Internet Engineering Task Force. ...
  3. Rabindranath Tagore (রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর, robindronath ţhakur) (7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941), sobriquet Gurudev, was a Bengali poet, novelist, musician, painter and playwright who reshaped Bengali literature and music. ...
  4. Any plant of the genus Camellia, shrubs and small trees native to Asia; Camellia japonica is the most popular as a garden plant; Camellia sinensis is the tea plant
  5. Non-toxic, non-allergenic edible Japanese oil used for oiling sword blades after use
  6. Gratitude, graciousness. Excellence and steadfastness.
  7. (n.): a shrub with glossy evergreen leaves and waxy, rose-like flowers. Find out more about camellias and see a picture of a camellia.
  8. (Thea sasanqua nois) Obtained from camellia seeds. Alight & quick penetrating oil, with strong anti-oxidant properties due to its high oleic acid content (an Essential Fatty acid that assists in maintaining normal function of the skin's barrier membrane, helping to prevent moisture loss). ...
  9. Seeds of a tropical Asiatic evergreen. Used to soften the skin.
  10. A courtesan at The Luminary. An ultress and also sometimes known as "The White Queen," second only to Dominia Violette Goldswan.