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calotte 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. The calotte (plural calottes, French from Provençal calota or Italian callotta), is a skullcap worn by students at catholic universities in Belgium. It originates from the skullcap worn by the Papal Zouave regiment around 1860. ...
  2. a skullcap worn by Roman Catholic priests; The vertical central area of the crown of a bird's head; A round cavity or depression, in the form of a cup or cap, lathed and plastered; used to diminish the rise or elevation of a moderate chapel, alcove, etc. ...
  3. In architecture, a concavity in the form of a niche or cup, serving to reduce the apparent height of an alcove or chapel.
  4. The calotte consists of the calvaria from which the base has been removed.
  5. Uppermost portion of the braincase; "skullcap" (equivalent to calva).