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calorific 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Relating to the amount of energy contained in food or fuel,
  1. Relating to the amount of energy contained in food or fuel
    • - she knew the calorific contents of every morsel
  2. (of food or drink) Containing many calories and so likely to be fattening
    • - there is fruit salad for those who can resist the more calorific concoctions

  1. heat-generating; "the calorific properties of fuels"
  2. The calorie is a pre-SI metric unit of energy. It was first defined by Nicolas Clément in 1824 as a unit of heat, entering French and English dictionaries between 1841 and 1867. In most fields its use is archaic, having been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule. ...
  3. Relating to calories; Relating to or producing heat or other energy
  4. value which must be as high as possible both for its volume and weight. All vehicles on the road and sea need to carry the fuel they need with them but this is even more important in aviation;