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callow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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callower, comparative;
  1. (esp. of a young person) Inexperienced and immature
    • - earnest and callow undergraduates

  1. fledgling: young and inexperienced; "a fledgling enterprise"; "a fledgling skier"; "an unfledged lawyer"
  2. (callowness) lacking and evidencing lack of experience of life
  3. (Callowness) Baldness is the state of having no hair or lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or "male pattern baldness" that occurs in adult male humans and other species. ...
  4. Bald; Unfledged (of a young bird); Immature, lacking in life experience; Lacking color (of some newly emerged adult insects); Shallow or weak-willed; Unburnt (of a brick)
  5. (adj) - young, inexperienced; low, flood-prone
  6. [in an adult role but] lacking full adult experience or sophistication [Wordcrafter note: the bracket words are not in the dictionary definition. I believe the dictionaries err in this; some readers disagree with me.]