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calliope 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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calliopes, plural;
  1. A keyboard instrument resembling an organ but with the notes produced by steam whistles, used chiefly on showboats and in traveling fairs

  1. (Greek mythology) the Muse of epic poetry
  2. a musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard
  3. 22 Kalliope '' is a large main-belt asteroid of the M-type, discovered by J. R. Hind on November 16, 1852. It is named after Calliope, the Greek Muse of epic poetry.
  4. A calliope is a musical instrument that produces sound by sending a gas, originally steam or more recently compressed air, through large whistles, originally locomotive whistles.
  5. Calliope is a band using early music instruments, which plays both renaissance and modern music. The band is based in New York City.
  6. Calliope is a children's program that showed various animated shorts. These often included unusual stop-motion ("claymation"), European features such Cosgrove Hall's "Cinderella" and "The Pied Piper of Hamelin".
  7. (Calliopean) Of or relating to Calliope
  8. the Muse of epic poetry; the Muses were nine goddesses whom artists appealed to in order to inspire their works; epicists often called upon the Muse Calliope or another goddess to inspire their works at the beginning of their poems.
  9. musical instrument, petticoat, corona, cadet
  10. A wind keyboard instrument. Sound is produced by air or steam passing through whistles.
  11. Instrument with stopped flute-type brass (usually) pipes voiced on high pressure and intended for outdoor use. Barrel-operated steam calliopes, mostly made during the 19th century, used steam to blow the pipes. ...
  12. muse of epic or heroic poetry, and of poetic inspiration and eloquence
  13. A type of organ. This was a steam organ whereby a set of whistles sounded as steam flowed through creating loud sounds, sometimes described as raucous and associated with the circus.
  14. A discordant musical consisting of a series of whistles activated by either air or steam. Remember it is pronounces Kal-E-Ope with long E and O.
  15. (epic poetry); Clio (history); Euterpe (lyric poetry); Melpomene (tragedy); Terpsichore (choral dance); Erato (love poetry); Polyhymnia (hymns and sacred poems); Urania (astronomy); Thalia (comedy)
  16. Calliope was the muse of eloquence and heroic poems. She was the chief of the muses, and was said to have been the mother of Orpheus by Apollo.
  17. this mad spinning carousel life has slipped its brass ring to another’s clutching fingers