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calligraphy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering,
  1. Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering

  2. The art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush

  1. beautiful handwriting
  2. (calligrapher) someone skilled in penmanship
  3. (calligraphical) calligraphic: of or relating to or expressed in calligraphy
  4. Calligraphy (from Greek ' kallos "beauty" + ' graphẽ "writing") is a type of visual art. It is often called the art of fancy lettering (Mediavilla 1996: 17). ...
  5. (The Calligrapher) The Calligrapher is the debut novel of Edward Docx, published in 2003. Highly praised, it has been translated into eight languages. ...
  6. The art of writing letters and words with decorative strokes; The letters and words so produced, collectively; The art of writing fancy lettering
  7. (Calligrapher) A person (called al-khattat in Arabic) who specialized in particularly decorative and elaborate froms of writing Arabic, Persian, or Turkish script.
  8. (Calligrapher (2004)) is a didactic software application that simulates and parametrizes a calligraphic pen in a simple graphical user interface. It was produced by François Rappo and Jürg Lehni for the research project “Corporate Typeface” at ECAL.
  9. (Calligrapher) The cursive handwriting recognition system found in all Newton devices except the eMate. Calligrapher was also used as the print recognizer in NOS 1.x Newton devices. See also Cursive Recognizer.
  10. (Calligraphers) who dealt in fine book production
  11. (Calligraphic) Elegant, flowing lines suggestive of writing with an aesthetic value separate from its literal content.
  12. The art of beautiful writing. Broadly, a flowing use of line, often varying from thick to thin.
  13. Elegant, gorgeous handwriting often used with special pens and ink. Usually performed by a calligrapher to address envelopes or very formal invitations.
  14. Handwriting as an art. Elegant penmanship with decoration and design of primary importance.
  15. a distinctive style of artistic handwriting created by using special pen nibs that allow a calligrapher to vary the thickness of a letter's line elements; an elegant, decorative writing, developed to an art form itself, used to enhance the artistic appeal and visual beauty of handwritten papers ...
  16. from the Greek for “beautiful writing,” this term refers to hand-drawn, stylized script, an art practiced in a variety of cultures across time.
  17. A hand lettering style that relies heavily on contrasting weights in the horizontal and vertical strokes. Generally done with a brush or quill pen.
  18. In the beginnings of Islam, the Qur'an was mostly recorded in the memory of those who memorized the entire text; they were known as the Huffaz. ...
  19. Decorative text as often seen in historical manuscripts or Society scrolls. See also Illumination.
  20. 1) beautiful handwriting, fine penmanship. 2) a script, usually cursive, esp. Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic writing of high aesthetic value. 3) a line or a group of lines that either are derived from or resemble cursive letter forms produced with a brush.
  21. Beautiful personal handwriting, which has also been practiced in the Orient and Near East for many centuries. The term calligraphic is also applied to drawing or painting which contains brushstrokes reminiscent of calligraphy.
  22. An ornate and decorative style of penmanship used primarily for inscriptions, diplomas, manuscripts, and other important documents.
  23. From the Greek for 'beautiful writing,' designates various styles of largely decorative or ceremonial handwriting usually based on traditional forms. ...
  24. The art of giving form to lettering in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner. Modern calligraphy ranges from functional hand lettered inscriptions and designs to fine art pieces where the abstract expression of the handwritten mark may or may not supersede the legibility of the letters. ...
  25. is the art of making beautiful handwriting. The letters used for this art are round-hand, Gothic or Old English text, scripts (marine or joint) and Madonna Ronde or cursive. There are specially made pens for calligraphy. ...