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calibration 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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calibrations, plural;
  1. The action or process of calibrating an instrument or experimental readings
    • - the measuring devices require calibration
    • - calibrations in the field of electronic measurements
  2. Each of a set of graduations on an instrument

  1. the act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument; "the thermometer needed calibration"
  2. (calibrate) make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring; "calibrate an instrument"; "graduate a cylinder"
  3. (calibrate) mark (the scale of a measuring instrument) so that it can be read in the desired units; "he calibrated the thermometer for the Celsius scale"
  4. (calibrate) measure the caliber of; "calibrate a gun"
  5. (calibrated) marked with or divided into degrees; "a calibrated thermometer"
  6. Calibration is a comparison between measurements - one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.
  7. In the mathematical field of differential geometry, a calibrated manifold is a Riemannian manifold (M,g) of dimension n equipped with a differential p-form φ (for some 0 ≤ p ≤ n) which is a calibration in the sense that * φ is closed: dφ = 0, where d is the exterior derivative * for ...
  8. Stock removal is the process of removing material (stock) from a workpiece. Stock removal processes include: *Machining *Milling *Turning *Drilling *Grinding *Filling *Broaching *Shaping *Planing *Sawing
  9. Calibration (Is Pushing Luck and Key Too Far) is the fifth studio album by Omar Rodríguez-López, and the fourth released in the "Amsterdam series". The album was released in Japan on December 15, 2007 with a following U.S. ...
  10. Calibrated probability assessments are subjective probabilities assigned by individuals who have been trained to assess probabilities in a way that historically represents their uncertainty . ...
  11. There are two main uses of the term calibration in statistics that denote special types of statistical inference problems. Thus "calibration" can mean In addition, "calibration" is used in statistics with the usual general meaning of calibration. ...
  12. (Calibrate) Accurate guage the reaction of your target and the effectiveness of your game
  13. (Calibrate (color calibrate)) to fix, check or correct the gradation of color on a color monitor, a digital proffing system, a laser imaged plate, with a measuring instrument.
  14. (calibrate) To determine or mark the graduation of, or to determine and control the amount of material delivered by a sprayer or spreader on a given area or in a given time.
  15. (Calibrate) To determine or check the accuracy of an instrument used for quantitative measurements, or to make corrections in or to adjust an aspect of a system.
  16. To calibrate a thermometer is to test it for accuracy and adjust if it isn’t giving the correct temperature.
  17. (CALIBRATE) To determine the indication or output of a device with respect to a standard.
  18. (CALIBRATE) verb: to read the verbal and nonverbal responses of a person or group and accurately deduce what they are thinking or feeling at that moment.
  19. (Calibrate) Adjusting a gauge, control or piece of equipment to conform with a test gauge, control or piece of equipment.
  20. (Calibrate) Part of the process of turning on the mocap system that makes it so that the individual mocap cameras all act as a single unit
  21. (Calibrate) The hydrology and hydraulic computer models used to determine the floodplains are checked using actual data from real events like Tropical Storm Allison to make sure that the model are accurately predicting the level of flood risk for Harris County citizens.
  22. (Calibrate) The process of testing a measuring device (such as a joystick) and then manipulating or changing its settings to conform to a set standard ensuring the device is working accurately.
  23. (Calibrate) The winding of each pickup in a set differently in order to produce a balanced output level when switching from pickup to pickup.
  24. (Calibrate) To check and adjust the accuracy of a measuring instrument relative to a reliable standard. A measuring tape that has been used a lot or damaged should be calibrated against a new one or by a laboratory that is certified by the NIST. ...
  25. (Calibrate) To check, test, or adjust the initial settings of a unit or system.