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calcine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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calcines, 3rd person singular present; calcined, past tense; calcined, past participle; calcining, present participle;
  1. Reduce, oxidize, or desiccate by roasting or strong heat
    • - calcined bone ash

  1. heat a substance so that it oxidizes or reduces
  2. Calcination (also referred to as calcining) is a thermal treatment process applied to ores and other solid materials in order to bring about a thermal decomposition, phase transition, or removal of a volatile fraction. ...
  3. to heat something without melting in order to drive off water etc., and to decompose carbonates into oxides or to oxidize or reduce it; especially to heat limestone to form quicklime; to undergo such heating
  4. (calcined) converted by calcination
  5. (Calcined) Term used to describe bone that has been so thoroughly heated that all moisture and grease is oxidized or driven off, leaving only white, easily crumbled pieces. ...
  6. (Calcining) Burning: Enough heat to cause disintegration, or total fusion.
  7. (Calcining) To calcine a substance is to heat it so that it will break down into small particles or into a powder, or to drive of volatile substances.  Lime kilns are calcining furnaces, for example, as are coke ovens.  Other substances are calcined, as well. ...
  8. Describes the high temperature treatment of catalyst precursor materials, converting them to strong, stable solids. The term comes from ceramics technology, where calcining or firing is used to convert clay intermediates (green materials) to finished products.
  9. The removal of water molecules in hydrates by heat.
  10. Reduce to calcium carbonate. To purify a substance by subjecting it to high temperatures.
  11. Heated to temperature of dissociation; for example, heat gypsum to the temperature where the water of crystallization is driven off.
  12. To alter composition or physical state by heating to a specific temperature for a specific length of time.
  13. The product of roasting sulphide concentrates
  14. To heat a material to a temperature high enough to drive off all chemically-combined water.
  15. Name given to concentrate that is ready for smelting (i.e. the sulphur has been driven off by oxidation).
  16. to heat a ceramic batch material to a temperature below the melting or fusion point causing loss of moisture, reduction, or oxidation.
  17. To purify a material through the action of heating to red heat 700-750 °c (1292-13 82 OF)
  18. To heat to red heat (around 1292°F) or more to remove chemically combined water and volatile matter. (1, 3)
  19. to heat or roast to produce an oxide (e.g., CaO from calcite)
  20. To reduce a substance to a powder by means of heat.