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calcimine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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calcimines, plural;
  1. Whitewash with calcimine

  1. A kind of white or pale blue wash for walls and ceilings

  1. a water-base paint containing zinc oxide and glue and coloring; used as a wash for walls and ceilings
  2. cover with calcimine; "calcimine the walls"
  3. Whitewash, or calcimine, kalsomine, or calsomine is a very low cost type of paint made from slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) and chalk (whiting). Various other additives have also been used. The incident with Tom Sawyer whitewashing a fence as punishment is a famous image in American literature.
  4. A form of whitewash made from zinc oxide, glue and water, used to coat plaster surfaces; To coat with this substance
  5. Also spelled "kalsomine." Essentially, chalk and glue ready to mix with water. Used as a decoration for interior surfaces. It will not withstand washing. In Britain, it is referred to as powdered distemper.
  6. A low-cost wash, white or colored, used on ceilings, interior plaster, or other masonry-type surfaces.
  7. A water-soluble coating comprised calcium carbonate (carbonated chalk) that was used as a quick and economical coating over walls and ceilings.
  8. A water-thinned paint composed essentially of calcium carbonate or clay glue.