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calcified 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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calcifies, 3rd person singular present; calcifying, present participle; calcified, past tense; calcified, past participle;
  1. Harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium carbonate or some other insoluble calcium compounds
    • - calcified cartilage

  1. (calcification) tissue hardened by deposition of lime salts
  2. (calcification) an inflexible and unchanging state; "the calcification of negotiations"
  3. (calcify) become impregnated with calcium salts
  4. (calcify) become inflexible and unchanging; "Old folks can calcify"
  5. (calcify) turn into lime; become calcified; "The rock calcified over the centuries"
  6. (calcification) [kal sih fih kay´ shun] Deposit of calcium. Associated with some types of brain tumors, as meningiomas, oligodendrogliomas and astrocytomas.
  7. (Calcification) Deposition of calcium salts.
  8. (calcification) A soil process where the surface soil is combined with calcium by the decomposition of plants, especially if a calcareous layer is formed. See also: podzolization.
  9. (Calcification) A process that occurs when tissue or noncellular material in the body becomes hardened by deposits of calcium salts. [See: Fluoride & Osteoarthritis | Fluorosis & Spondylosis/Spondylitis | Fluorosis & DISH ]
  10. (Calcification) The body's attempt to render invading bacteria harmless by coating them with calcium. This can result in prostate stones which may cause problems of their own. Small stones may migrate out of the prostate into the urethra causing "sand" in the urine.
  11. (Calcification) The strengthening and hardening of a bone in areas where calcium has been deposited.
  12. Changed from its original form to a hard, stony substance due to the deposit of lime or calcium salts
  13. This term usually refers to an egg, this can be over calcified (to much calcium on shell) or undercalcified (not enough calcium) neither of these are ideal and are ususally unsucessful in hatching.
  14. The hardening of tissue through the influx of calcium, usually as a result of chronic inflammation.