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cakewalk 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cakewalks, plural;
  1. Achieve or win something easily
    • - he cakewalked to a 5-1 triumph
  2. Walk or dance in the manner of a cakewalk
    • - a troupe of clowns cakewalked by
  1. An absurdly or surprisingly easy task
    • - winning the game won't be a cakewalk
  2. A strutting dance popular at the end of the 19th century, developed from a black-American contest in graceful walking that had a cake as a prize

  1. perform the cakewalk dance
  2. a strutting dance based on a march; was performed in minstrel shows; originated as a competition among Black dancers to win a cake
  3. an easy accomplishment; "winning the tournament was a cakewalk for him"; "invading Iraq won't be a cakewalk"
  4. Cakewalk (or cake-walk) is a game played at carnivals, funfairs, and fundraising events. It is similar to a raffle and musical chairs. ...
  5. A contest in which cake was offered for the best dancers; The style of music associated with such a contest; The dance, or style of dance associated with such a contest; Something that is easy or simple, or that does not present a great challenge
  6. A pre-ragtime dance form popular until about 1904. The music is intended to be representative of an African-American dance contest in which the prize is a cake. Many early rags are cakewalks.
  7. routine mission or uneventful operation; such "going through the motions" operations often lulled troops into false security. See PIECE OF CAKE, LAUGH A MINUTE, WALK IN THE PARK, DUCK SOUP, NO SWEAT, MILK RUN, TURKEY SHOOT.
  8. n. (mil) A quick, easy, uncomplicated shadowrun that requires almost no effort to complete.
  9. an exuberant dance with syncopated rhythms that may represent an early form of jazz
  10. Popular term introduced by U.S. hawk Kenneth Adelman to predict overnight success in Iraq. Adelman now says the phrase was "too glib."