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cakes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cakes, plural;
  1. (of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) Cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object)
    • - a pair of boots caked with mud
  2. (of a thick or sticky substance) Dry or harden into a solid mass
    • - the blood under his nose was beginning to cake
  1. An item of soft, sweet food made from a mixture of flour, shortening, eggs, sugar, and other ingredients, baked and often decorated
    • - a carrot cake
    • - cake pans
    • - a mouthful of cake
  2. An item of savory food formed into a flat, round shape, and typically baked or fried
    • - crab cakes
  3. A flattish, compact mass of something, esp. soap
    • - a cake of soap

  1. (cake) a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax); "a bar of chocolate"
  2. (cake) coat: form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
  3. (cake) patty: small flat mass of chopped food
  4. (cake) baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat
  5. Cake is a form of food, typically a sweet, baked dessert. Cakes normally contain a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, and butter or oil, with some varieties also requiring liquid (typically milk or water) and leavening agents (such as yeast or baking powder). ...
  6. (Cake (advertisement)) Cake is a television and cinema advertisement launched in 2007 by Škoda Auto to promote the new second-generation Fabia supermini car in the United Kingdom. ...
  7. (Cake (band)) CAKE is an American alternative rock band from Sacramento, California. Noted for their idiosyncratic approach to music, Cake (often stylized as CAKE) became popular in the late 1990s with their album Fashion Nugget, which spawned several singles, with "The Distance" being the ...
  8. (Cake (drug)) Brass Eye was a UK television series of satirical spoof documentaries. A single series of six episodes aired on Channel 4 in 1997, with a further special episode in 2001.
  9. (Cake (firework)) A cake firework, also known as a multiple tube device is a firework comprising a series of roman candles, small aerial shells, or a combination of both, connected together by a high-speed fuse. ...
  10. (Cake (movie)) Cake is a 2005 romantic comedy film directed by Nisha Ganatra.
  11. (cake) A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar and eggs and baked in an oven, and often covered in icing; A block of any of various dense materials; A trivially easy task or responsibility; from a piece of cake; money; Coat (something) with a crust of solid material
  12. (Cake) The accumulation of solids on the medium of a filter.
  13. (cake) (1) A copper or copper alloy casting, rectangular in cross section, used for rolling into sheet or strip. (2) A coalesced mass of unpressed metal powder.
  14. (Cake) This is the repaying of lost stakes through the staker whom you lost money for previously staking you in a new stake. ...
  15. (Cake) money and or financial assets.
  16. (CAKE) A multi-shot firework in which the effects or shells are placed in tubes so they are aligned in a horizontal plane (rather than stacked vertically as in a candle). ...
  17. (Cake (Pipe)) The Carbon that develops along the inner wall of the Pipe Chamber and acts as protection and insulation for the Bowl; as well as promoting an even smoking experience. Approximately 1/16" of Char is considered ideal for a Pipe.
  18. (Cake) A small layer of protective carbon allowed to form and remain in the bowl of a briar pipe. The cake protects the briar from burning but too much cake can split the pipe by causing uneven heating of the bowl.
  19. (Cake) A sweet, baked confection usually containing flour, sugar, flavoring ingredients and eggs or other leavener such as baking powder or baking soda.
  20. (Cake) Conventional baked synthesis of natural products producing mild euphoric symptoms in susceptible users.
  21. (Cake) Easy, as in a piece of. “Of course I don't mind putting a volunteer schedule together; it should be cake!”
  22. (Cake) Freeze dried product in a vial is sometimes called a cake or plug.
  23. (Cake) Gâteau - this is generally a mixture of flour dried fruits with butter eggs or baking powder used to make it light, and baked in tins.
  24. (Cake) In a large mixing bowl, combine the cake mix, baking soda and eggs.
  25. (Cake) Made from soft wheat, it produces tender, delicate cakes.