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caked 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cakes, 3rd person singular present; caking, present participle; caked, past tense; caked, past participle;
  1. (of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) Cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object)
    • - a pair of boots caked with mud
  2. (of a thick or sticky substance) Dry or harden into a solid mass
    • - the blood under his nose was beginning to cake

  1. (Caking) Pieing is the act of throwing a pie at a person. This can be a political action when the target is an authority figure, politician, or celebrity and can be used as a means of protesting against the target's political beliefs, or against a perceived flaw — e.g. ...
  2. (Caking) Agglomerations of powder on fluid bed walls or components of the powder delivery system.
  3. (CAKING) The collecting of dried ink on rollers and plates.
  4. (Timon of Athens - 2.2.231)