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cagers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (cager) basketball player: an athlete who plays basketball
  2. (Cager) person in a car, truck, or van.
  3. (CAGER) A native or resident of Sigil.
  4. (Cager) A person whose primary mode of transportation is automobiles and doesn't have a clue how to safely share the road with motorcycles
  5. (cager) A basketball player; derived from the days when a wire mesh barrier surrounded the court to protect the fans from the players and vice versa.
  6. (cager) A car driver. As in, “that goddamn brainless idiot cager should have his exhaust pipe shoved up his ass.”
  7. (cager) A slang term used by riders of two-wheeled vehicles referring to opearators cars and trucks. Usually used in a derogatory manner.