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caged 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caged, past participle; cages, 3rd person singular present; caging, present participle; caged, past tense;
  1. Confine in or as in a cage
    • - the parrot screamed, furious at being caged
    • - a caged bird
  2. Put in prison

  1. Caged is a 1950 film released by Warner Bros.Variety film review; May 3, 1950, page 6.Harrison's Reports film review; May 6, 1950, page 71. It tells the story of a teenage newlywed, who is sent to prison for being an accessory to a robbery. ...
  2. This page lists the episodes of the 1999-2001 television dramedy Popular. There were a total of 43 episodes in this series.
  3. (Caging (direct mail)) In the direct mail industry, a caging list is a list or database of addresses, updated after a mailing program is completed, with notations on responses received from recipients, with corrections for addresses for which mail has been returned as undeliverable, or forwarded ...
  4. (Caging (voting)) Voter caging is a method of challenging the registration status of voters to potentially prevent them from voting in an election. ...
  5. (Caging) The process of recording gift amount, date of gift, donor name and other data from a direct mail fundraising campaign. Taken from the 19th Century post office practice of placing sorted mail into small wire enclosures, called cages. ...
  6. (caging) The process of opening and sorting of orders and handling checks, credit cards and cash.
  7. (Caging) (An old concept connected with cash processing). The department within a fulfilment operation which processes incoming mail containing cheques and credit card payments
  8. (Caging) The process in which a person compresses the parking brake spring manually to release the spring brakes without the use of air pressure.
  9. Caging can only be resisted by a Greater Feat of Will. If Caged, you are completely incapacitated and cut off from the outside world. The condition is permanent until cured, but during its duration you may slip instantly into death, at will. ...
  10. Referring to the practice of placing high-value or sensitive products in a fenced off area within a warehouse.
  11. (1950) was a prison drama based on the novel Women Without Men by Virginia Kellogg. The story surrounded a female prison warden who attempts to rehabilitate a prisoner before she becomes a hardened criminal. ...