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cade 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Cade (1734–1756) was an important foundation sire for the Thoroughbred.
  2. Douglas Arthur Hill (April 6, 1935 to June 21, 2007) was a Canadian science fiction author, editor and reviewer. He was born in Brandon, Manitoba, the son of a train driver, and raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. ...
  3. CADES was a software engineering repository system produced to support the development of the VME/B Operating System for the ICL New Range - subsequently 2900 - computers.
  4. (CAdES (computing)) CAdES (CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures) is a set of extensions to Cryptographic Message Syntax(CMS) signed data making it suitable for advanced electronic signature.
  5. An English metonymic occupational surname for a cooper; A male given name transferred from the surname
  6. a prickly, bushy Mediterranean juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus, whose wood yields a tar; A cask or barrel, used in the British Book of Rates for a determinate number of some sort of fish. ...
  7. (Cades) The name, according to the Vulgate and the Septuagint, of three, or probably ...
  8. Corporate Average Data Center Efficiency.
  9. Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Education
  10. (c-ay-d) A human boy born and raised in the Shimano Village. He has always been good friends with Meian and Seila, and has always treated Meian as a sister. Later on he also meets and travels with Aiden. See Shimano Village, Seila, Meian, and Aiden.
  11. Computer-assisted data entry.