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cachexia 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness,
  1. Weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness

  1. any general reduction in vitality and strength of body and mind resulting from a debilitating chronic disease
  2. Cachexia (from Greek kakos and hexia: bad condition) or wasting syndrome is loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight. ...
  3. A systemic wasting of muscle tissue, with or without loss of fat mass, that accompanies a chronic disease
  4. The rapid loss of weight along with fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. This can be a serious problem for patients with advanced cancer.
  5. A dramatic weight loss and general wasting that occurs during chronic disease.
  6. Loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and anorexia. It can be a sign of various underlying disorders, including cancer.
  7. general wasting due to illness or stress.
  8. general ill-health , with emancipation, due to chronic disease such as cancer
  9. Loss of body weight and muscle mass, and weakness that may occur in patients with cancer, AIDS or other chronic diseases.
  10. Severe debilitated states (heavy worm infestation, visceral leishmaniasis).
  11. an appearance of profound illness, and massive weight loss, usually dueto either extreme starvation or a serious underlying disease such as cancer.
  12. In cancer, the progressive wasting that occurs in the late stages of disease, resulting from derangements in various metabolic processes.
  13. A profound and marked state of general ill health and malnutrition (weight loss).
  14. Wasting Syndrome. More on cachexia and mesothelioma patients.
  15. Breakdown of muscle mass resulting from rapid weight loss.
  16. the physical wasting away of a patient caused by disease and/or treatment.
  17. Condition caused when a patient becomes weak and emaciated in appearance due to the rapid growth of a malignant tumor; also accompanies many chronic diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis.
  18. General physical wasting and malnutrition, usually associated with a chronic disease (see AIDS Wasting).