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caca 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Huehue Zaca or Çaca , also Zacatzin (Çacatzin,), was a 15th century Aztec noble and a warrior who served as tlacateccatl ("captain general") under the ruler Moctezuma I. The name Zaca is probably derived from Nahuatl zacatl, meaning "grass"; -tzin is an honorific or reverential suffix. ...
  2. In Roman mythology, Caca is the sister of the Cacus, the son of Vulcan. A minor character in the trials of Heracles, in some versions of the tales, she is mentioned as telling Heracles where her brother had hidden eight cattle he had stolen from Heracles. ...
  3. goddess of the hearth; "Something round". Borowed from Old Norse "a lump of something"
  4. (n) Mother’s brother; wife’s brother or father. ICC