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bygone 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Belonging to an earlier time,
  1. Belonging to an earlier time
    • - relics of a bygone society
  1. A thing dating from an earlier time

  1. past events to be put aside; "let bygones be bygones"
  2. well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era"
  3. Bygone buses was a post-deregulation bus operator based in Biddenden, Kent, England. It operated on local competitive and tendered services in Maidstone, Medway and The Weald of Kent. It emerged from a company called River Valley Coaches, and used an allover red livery.
  4. (Bygones (TV series)) Bygones is a popular television series on ITV, exploring East Anglian history and traditional rural crafts - first aired in 1967. ...
  5. (Bygones (Won't Go)) The Convincer is a 2001 studio album by British singer-songwriter Nick Lowe. Produced by Lowe and Neil Brockbank, it was released in Europe by Proper Records and by Yep Roc Records in the USA.
  6. A person or occurrence that took place in the past; Having been or happened in the far past
  7. An otherworldly beast, such as a dragon, that has long disappeared from Earth.