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byes, plural;
  1. The transfer of a competitor directly to the next round of a competition in the absence of an assigned opponent

  2. One or more holes remaining unplayed after the match has been decided

  1. (bye) you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent; "he had a bye in the first round"
  2. (bye) adieu: a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes"
  3. In the sport of cricket, a bye is a run scored by the batting team when the ball has not been hit by the batsman and the ball has not hit the batsman's body.
  4. (Bye (song)) Figure 8 is the fifth studio album by American singer-songwriter Elliott Smith. Released by DreamWorks Records on April 18, 2000, it became Smith's second release on a major label and the last album he would complete before his death. ...
  5. (Bye (sports)) A bye, in sports and other competitive activities, most commonly refers to the practice of allowing a player or team to advance to the next round of a playoff tournament without playing. ...
  6. (bye) The position of a person or team in a tournament or competition who draws no opponent in a particular round so advances to the next round unopposed, or is awarded points for a win in a league table; also the phantom opponent of such a person or team; An extra scored when the batsmen take ...
  7. (BYE) are you ready to unlink? (this is the standard way to end a talk-mode conversation; the other person types BYE to confirm, or else continues the conversation)
  8. (BYE) "Are you ready to say goodbye?" If so, the other person replies "BYE"
  9. (BYE) Barila-Yaguchi-Eveland [medium]
  10. (BYE) the golf holes that have not been played because the match is won before the 18th hole.
  11. (Bye (see picture above)) Run(s) scored on “wild pitches”. i.e. when the ball goes past the wicket-keeper/catcher without having been touched by the batter, and runs can be scored (much like “stolen bases on wild pitches” in baseball). ...
  12. (Bye) A day in which a meet is not scheduled for a particular team.
  13. (Bye) A run generally scored through any means other than being struck by the bat.
  14. (Bye) In a tournament, a team advances to the next level of competition without having to play an opponent. This occurs when there is an odd number of teams. (See Q&A #54 for link to diagram.)
  15. (Bye) Often denoted as “B” on the projections and cheat sheets, this is the week of the NFL season in which a player’s team is off, or on a bye.
  16. (Bye) Permission to compete in the a higher level of competition without having competed in the requisite qualifying competition.
  17. (Bye) Used in tournaments to give a player that can not play a round at some point but who wants to still compete later in the same tournament.
  18. (Bye) When an uneven number of competitors are present and this produces a gap in a panel this term is used.
  19. (Bye) a short game played over the remaining holes when the main match finishes early because one player or team has won by a large margin. ...
  20. (Bye) extra(s) awarded if the batsman misses the ball and it goes past the wicketkeeper to give the batsmen time to run in the conventional way (note that the mark of a good wicketkeeper is one who restricts the tally of byes to a minimum)
  21. (Bye) in Swiss System tourneys, a full point given to an odd player.
  22. (Bye) in paired races, a boat that has been automatically advanced to the semi-finals or finals because there was an odd number of boats entered in the race.
  23. (Bye) means "farewell or good-bye": Bye, now; I'll see you later.
  24. A bye is a missing team on a schedule. Schedules are always set up to accommodate an even number of teams. When there is an odd number of teams in a division, there will be a bye. For example, a 9-team division will be playing a 10-team schedule with one bye. ...
  25. A bye is when the batsman waves goodbye to the crowd who are leaving in confusion after thinking they were seeing a sport. Runs are awarded for how many fans leave, and how confused they are.