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buzzing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buzzed, past tense; buzzed, past participle; buzzes, 3rd person singular present; buzzing, present participle;
  1. Make a humming sound
    • - mosquitoes were buzzing all around us
  2. (of the ears) Be filled with a humming sound
    • - I remember a buzzing in my ears
  3. Signal with a buzzer
    • - the electric bell began to buzz for closing time
    • - he buzzed the stewardesses every five minutes
  4. Make a telephone call to (someone)

  5. Move quickly or busily
    • - she buzzed along the highway back into town
  6. Fly very close to (another aircraft, the ground, etc.) at a high speed

  7. (of a place) Have an air of excitement or purposeful activity
    • - the club is buzzing with excitement
  8. (of a person's mind or head) Be filled with excited or confused thoughts
    • - her mind was buzzing with ideas

  1. abuzz: noisy like the sound of a bee; "the room was abuzz over the latest scandal"
  2. (buzz) make a buzzing sound; "bees were buzzing around the hive"
  3. (buzz) sound of rapid vibration; "the buzz of a bumble bee"
  4. (buzz) a confusion of activity and gossip; "the buzz of excitement was so great that a formal denial was issued"
  5. (buzz) fly low; "Planes buzzed the crowds in the square"
  6. (buzz) hum: be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity"
  7. (Buzz!) Buzz! is a series of video games originated by Sleepydog Ltd., developed by Relentless Software and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable consoles. ...
  8. (Buzz (airline)) Buzz (styled as buzz) was a British low-cost airline operating services within Europe. It operated from 2000 until 2004 as a subsidiary of KLM and then Ryanair.
  9. (Buzz (comic)) Buzz was an A3 (broadsheet) British comic that ran from (issues dates) 20 January 1973 to 4 January 1975, when it merged with The Topper. It was full colour throughout. ...
  10. (Buzz (Cyberchase)) This is a list of characters that have appeared on the PBS Kids GO! series Cyberchase.
  11. (Buzz (DC)) Buzz is a long running dance party in Washington, D.C. It was started by Scott Henry and Lieven DeGeyndt at the East Side Club and then later at the now demolished Nation. ...
  12. (Buzz (Debian)) Debian is a computer operating system composed of software packages released as free and open source software especially under the GNU General Public License and other free software licenses. ...
  13. The action of the verb to buzz; The sound produced by something that buzzes
  14. (buzz) A continuous, humming noise, as of bees; a confused murmur, as of general conversation in low tones, or of a general expression of surprise or approbation; A whisper; a report spread secretly or cautiously; The audible friction of voice consonants; A rush or feeling of energy or ...
  15. (buzzed) Slightly intoxicated
  16. (Buzz) as in “I’m in the dump an hour and the house copper gives me the buzz”: Looks me up, comes to my door
  17. Buzz off. Go away. Leave.
  18. (BUZZ) Windows 9x Realtime Synthesis Tracker.
  19. (BUZZ) A wave of drug-induced euphoria.
  20. (BUZZ) a low-level high-speed overflight, usually for dramatic effect; such a performance is called "flat-hatting" in the Navy; compare VICTORY ROLL, SNAP ROLL; see AEROBATICS. ...
  21. (Buzz) (Kenneth Mars), a short purple-haired bird of indeterminate species who is Khan's eccentric in-house inventor as well as an old friend of Baloo's. A self-described "loyal company man", he is also the captain of the company chess team. ...
  22. (Buzz) A high achieved from taking drugs. Often associated with amphetamines.
  23. (Buzz) A sound exemplified by loose power transformer laminations (dominated by 120 Hz where the power frequency is 60 Hz).
  24. (Buzz) A type of viral marketing in which information about one product passes from one consumer to other.