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buttonholes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buttonholes, plural;
  1. Attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against his or her will

  2. Make slits for receiving buttons in (a garment)

  1. A slit made in a garment to receive a button for fastening

  2. A boutonnière

  1. (buttonhole) a hole through which buttons are pushed
  2. (buttonhole) lobby: detain in conversation by or as if by holding on to the outer garments of; as for political or economic favors
  3. Buttonholes are holes in fabric which allow buttons to pass through, securing one piece of the fabric to another. The raw edges of a buttonhole are usually finished with stitching. This may be done either by hand or by a sewing machine. ...
  4. (Buttonhole (floral)) A boutonnière is a floral decoration worn by men, typically a single flower or bud. The word comes from the French boutonnière, or buttonhole, which is the British term. ...
  5. (Buttonhole (knitting)) In knitting, buttonholes can be made in several ways.
  6. (buttonhole) from buttonhold (originally a loop of string that held a button down)