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buttonhole 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buttonholes, plural;
  1. Attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against his or her will

  2. Make slits for receiving buttons in (a garment)

  1. A slit made in a garment to receive a button for fastening

  2. A boutonnière

  1. a hole through which buttons are pushed
  2. lobby: detain in conversation by or as if by holding on to the outer garments of; as for political or economic favors
  3. Buttonholes are holes in fabric which allow buttons to pass through, securing one piece of the fabric to another. The raw edges of a buttonhole are usually finished with stitching. This may be done either by hand or by a sewing machine. ...
  4. A boutonnière is a floral decoration worn by men, typically a single flower or bud. The word comes from the French boutonnière, or buttonhole, which is the British term. The flower itself is often a carnation, which is most formal white, while red remains a classic alternative. ...
  5. In knitting, buttonholes can be made in several ways.
  6. A hole through which a button is pushed to secure a garment or some part of one; a flower worn in a buttonhole for decoration; To detain (a person) in conversation against their will
  7. (buttonholing) The act of detaining someone in conversation against his or her will
  8. from buttonhold (originally a loop of string that held a button down)