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buttoned 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buttoned, past participle; buttons, 3rd person singular present; buttoning, present participle; buttoned, past tense;
  1. Fasten (clothing) with buttons
    • - he buttoned up his jacket
  2. Fasten the buttons of a garment being worn by (someone)
    • - he buttoned himself into the raincoat
  3. (of a garment) Be fastened with buttons
    • - a dress that buttons down the front
  4. Stop talking

  1. furnished or closed with buttons or something buttonlike
  2. (buttoning) May refer to either a condition where  a stone fruit tree produces small, misshapen fruit or where head forming cole crops (e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, etc) form a head before the plant is large enough to support it.
  3. Ornamented buckles in armoury are said to be buttoned, garnished, or studded.