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butchered 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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butchered, past participle; butchers, 3rd person singular present; butchering, present participle; butchered, past tense;
  1. Slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food
    • - the meat will be butchered for the local market
  2. Kill (someone) brutally
    • - they butchered 250 people
  3. Ruin (something) deliberately or through incompetence
    • - the film was butchered by the studio that released it

  1. (butchering) butchery: the business of a butcher
  2. A butcher is a person who may slaughter animals, dress their flesh, sell their meat or any combination of these three tasks. They may prepare standard cuts of meat, poultry, fish and shellfish for sale in retail or wholesale food establishments. ...
  3. (butchering) cutting up meat to prepare it for cooking